
Questions to Reflect on Before a Job Interview

7 Exploration Questions for Job Seekers To Find Out What They're Good At

7 Exploration Questions for Job Seekers To Find Out What They're Good At

Posted on February 2018 By Ellie Somers

Questions to Reflect on Before a Job Interview

In any job search, it's important to know what you're good at. While that can sometimes be a bit of a daunting self-reflection question to ask yourself, especially if you've been taught not to brag about yourself, it's a question that you should feel confident & empowered to answer. 

When in an interview, often the default it is to talk about your degree, how it led you to work with X company for X period of time supporting with X project...but that's not telling people what you are GOOD at.

Whether you're thinking of changing careers or just prepping for an interview, these 7 exploration questions will help you to identify what your good at. 

  1. What are three things you get complimented on most at work?

  2. What do you end up doing in any role, regardless of the sector?

  3. What work feels effortless to you?

  4. What work comes easily to you, but you see others struggle with?

  5. What do you research all the time?

  6. What are you the proudest of doing in your career to date?

  7. What are you most introduced as having done?

If you're looking for a new role or thinking about making a career change into the world of marketing or advertising, feel free to get in touch with the Stopgap team for an insightful & confidential chat. 

Looking for some more career, interview & job search advice? Check out our Job Hunt & Career Advice page here